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Business Talk 24-7

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Principled Selling: Winning Clients Without Selling Your Soul with David Tovey

Author of “Principled Selling”, David Tovey talks about some of the key principles and strategies you can use in face to face marketing and selling to win more clients without having to “sell your soul”.

David Tovey is a director of the Principled Group and author of the recently published Principled Selling: How to Win More Business Without Selling Your Soul.

For most of us consultants, coaches, lawyers, engineers, accountants; sales is not something we enjoy. And one of the reasons for that is that we assume it’s all about manipulation and persuasion.

In this podcast interview, David shows us how we can sell effectively in a principled way: without manipulation, without pressuring our clients, and without “selling our soul”

Podcast: Play in new window | Download


The Future of Buying Professional Services with Graham Jones

Graham JonesI’m sure like everyone you’ve noticed a change in how our clients buy our services. Clients do a ton more research online before contacting us. And often their opening gambit is to ask about price.We could grumble about these “idiot buyers”. Or we could educate ourselves as to how and why buyers are changing and adapt our marketing to fit.

My suggestion is we do the latter ;)

In this podcast I interview Internet Psychologist Graham Jones who shares some of the latest research and experience on how buyers are using the web to find potential suppliers and how that’s making major shifts in the way we need to market.

Podcast: Play in new window | Download